Tuesday, November 19, 2013

January Memorization

Memorize Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

1.  (The Law of Inertia) A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion remains in motion with a constant speed and in a straight line, unless acted upon by an outside force.

2.  The acceleration of an object is proportional to the force acting upon it and is directed in the direction of the force.  That is, F=ma.  

3.  To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

January Master Class Inspirements

"Plato is my friend, 
Aristotle is my friend,
but my greatest friend is truth."
-Sir Isaac Newton


Read one or more chapters from Principia Mathematica Volume I  (click on the line at the bottom of the book to get to the page you're looking for)

Read about Galileo Galilei in Dr. Posin's Giants ch.  7


   *Do both of these:

Teach us what you learned from the chapter in Principia using a method meaningful to you.  Also, what is one question you had that we can all discuss together? 

We learned about many of Galileo's discoveries in our reading.  Teach us about one of them.  Why did he need courage to continue in his work?

(Ideas for methods of teaching:  artwork, poetry, dramatizations, experiments, dioramas, games, demonstrations, reports, visual explanations like posters or diagrams or dry erase board diagrams, etc.)


Galileo was called the "Father of the Scientific Method."  Using the steps of the scientific method, conduct your own physics experiment.  If it is something you can replicate in class, bring it and demonstrate.  If not, document your steps and findings with words, pictures, or video so you can share your experience with us!  How is courage important in your life? 

January Journeyman Inspirements


Read about Isaac Newton in Posin's Giants ch.  9


    * Think about our Creator and Natural Law as you do your inspirements -- do 2 of these.

Teach us about one of Newton's Laws.  You can explain it to us using the dry erase board, with a poster, a story, or a diorama (or another way you come up with).

Teach us about light and how it contains all colors.  You can be creative with this!  :)

Do or explain to us one of Newton's mathematical equations/calculations that he discovered.

What is "the calculus"?  Do a little research if you haven't already and give us a little example of it, or a simple explanation.

Do a graphic summary of Newton's tragic bad luck with his dog, Diamond.

Edmund Halley sought counsel from Newton regarding the curve a comet would have when going around the sun.  Teach us more about Halley's comet in a way of your choosing.


   * Do one of these.

-Do a demonstration that illustrates one of Newton's Laws.

-Read a math story/classic such as:
The Number Devil
Arithmetic for Billy Goats
a story from Mathematicians are People, Too
or another of your choice
      -and do a book report on it.

-Do an experiment using white light and colors.  Bring it and show us!

-Make a simple Newtonian reflector telescope (or more complex if you want :)  ), or you can make a really cool diagram of how one works.

-Research the moon and the tides, spring tides, neap tides, and how they're understood using the Law of Gravitation.  Draw a picture or make a poster depicting the forces involved and their effects.

-Do your own inspirement that helps you better understand natural law.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

November Memorization


Seest thou a man diligent in his business?  He shall stand before kings.
--Proverbs 22:29


'Tis a lesson you should heed:
Try, try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again.

November Apprentice Inspirements


Read One For the Money, sections 4 and 5

Read Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

Read the story of the Widow's Mite in Mark 12:41-44 

Read the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32


Do this:

Think about how the word resilience applies to the topics we are studying.

And do one (or more) of these:

Do a word study on an underlined word from Luke 15:13-14-- "13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.  14  And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want."

Do a graphic study on the story of the Widow's Mite or The Prodigal Son

Research what an abacus is and how it was used anciently. 

Learn a method of calculating numbers without a calculator.

Write a short explanation of why knowing how to calculate numbers is important?  What are some of the consequences of errors in calculations?  Include example(s) of a situation to support your view.

Evaluate your personal finances and make a budget for yourself.


Do one (or more) of these:

Make your own abacus.  Come prepared to teach us how to use it.

Come prepared to teach us a different method of calculating numbers without a calculator.

What is the Business Cycle?  How does it affect us?  Make a visual to teach us about it.

Write about some external forces that affect businesses and families?  How can not knowing and understanding these forces affect our businesses and families?  When we can recognize these forces how does it help us to make better financial decisions?

Come prepared to teach us about a current event(s) that is an example of something you learned from Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

November Journeyman Inspirements


Read The Richest Man in Babylon online

Read Economics in One Lesson online


Do this:

What wisdom did you gain by reading The Richest Man in Babylon?  Share with us some wisdom that you will use in your own life.

And do one of these:

Set some personal financial goals and make a plan of how to achieve them.  Consider both ways to increase income and ways to preserve income by reducing costs, repairing, and taking care of things you already have.


Choose a product or service that you or your family uses frequently.  Where does it come from?  Who makes it?  How is it produced?  Make a visual to show us the process.


Do both of these:

Come prepared to share with us something you learned from reading Economics in One Lesson.

Choose and prepare a product or service to bring.  You can also bring your own sign or advertising of your choice.  We will be buying and selling (with our own made up money--not real dollars) and will also have some circumstances outside our control (external forces) to find solutions for.  It will be fun!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

October Memorization

"To know that we know what we know, 
and to know that we do not know what we do not know, 
that is true knowledge."
-Nicolaus Copernicus

October Journeyman Inspirements


* Read On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres here, Introduction, and pages 16-30 (sections 8-13).
* Read Dr. Posin's Giants, ch. 23
* Read Rocket Boys, (later republished as October Sky)


 >> Do all of these <<

* Is there something you read from On the Revolutions... that you didn't understand or that you have a question about?  Bring your question and we'll discuss it.

* Copernicus said that he considered it his "loving duty to seek the truth in all things, in so far as God has granted that to human reason." Do a word study on one of the words from this quote.  Most people from his time thought his ideas were blasphemy.  He didn't want to publish his findings earlier in his life most likely because of this rejection.  What choice would you have made if you found a truth that most of the world rejected, but you knew was true?   

* Dr. Posin said that Robert Goddard wasn't exactly "the toast of the town."  What would you have done if you had a great idea burning inside you and you only met with rejection from others?

* How did you like the Rocket Boys?  Come prepared to tell us about your favorite part of the story.


>> Do this <<

* Build a rocket, either from a kit or from your own materials.  It could be the kind that is powered by a rocket engine, or it could be air powered (where you stomp on a 2-liter bottle duct taped to a tube or pipe that your rocket fits onto).  You could also do the 2-liter soda pop with the Mentos (I think) in it.  Look around and see what kind you want to make!  There are lots of different ways to make one.  One of our parents (remind me who you are :) has a rocket launcher that could be used.

>> and do 1 (or more) of these <<

* Copernicus was born and raised in Poland.  Make a map and label it to teach us about his homeland.

* The 1828 dictionary defines idealism mainly as an idea, something that's not physical.  Do you have a GREAT idea?  Think about it and then tell us about it or draw it up to show us.

*Prepare a report on something we're learning about that you're really interested in.  Examples:  solar system, rockets, one aspect of rockets, Robert Goddard, Copernicus, Poland, one of the planets, moons, stars, the sun, heliocentric system versus geocentric system, Ptolemy, etc.

October Apprentice Inspirements


* Read Ch. 4 in Dr. Posin's Giants on Nicolaus Copernicus
* Read On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, by Copernicus, pages 7-16 (up to section #8) of Book 1 online
* Watch this


>> Do 2 (or more) of these <<

* Do a word study using a word from Genesis 1:1,  "In the beginning God created heaven and the earth." 

* Teach us about the solar system.  Ideas to do this:  make a model, a poster, make a working human solar system model (that would take several people), 'dress up' as a certain planet and tell us about yourself (could also be done as a group-each person a planet or the sun), or come up with your own way to teach us something about it.

* What was your favorite section (of 1 through 7) of On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres?  Tell us about it and why you liked it.

 Make a mnemonic to help us remember the order of the planets.  (words beginning with first letters of planets - M,V,E,M,J,S,U,N,P)


>> Do 1 (or more) of these <<

* Identify 3 constellations visible at this time of year.  Show us what they look like on paper or a poster or some other way and name the individual stars if you can.

* Estimate the number of visible stars in the night sky.  You can use a toilet paper roll and count what you see through that, then count how many times that fits into the sky. What do think about this scripture? Psalms 147:4 "He telleth the number of the stars; and he calleth them all by their names."

* Look at the night sky and identify one of the planets.  This website can help you find out what planets you can observe using any date or location.  Which planet are you especially interested in and why?

* Write a poem or a story about space, the planets, the stars, the universe, or all of them.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

September Memorization

But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; 
they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
-Isaiah 40:31

Journeyman Inspirements

*Da Vinci observed birds and the movements they make during flight.  He made sketches and wrote down his ideas about how a man might fly.  Read a book from home or from the library about how birds fly.  Is this information interesting to you?

*Read about Daniel Bernoulli and Bernoulli's principle here or on Wikipedia, or from a science book or other website of your choice.  How do his discoveries affect you or increase your understanding?

*Read this short article regarding lift, airplanes, and a modern problem to be solved.  

*"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust:  his truth shall be thy shield and buckler." Psalms 91:4.  Choose a word from this verse that is meaningful to you and do a word study on it.

*Record your thoughts, things you've learned, and what you still want to learn about.

 Do one of these:

*Choose a principle of flight (lift, drag, air pressure, thrust, airfoil, Bernoulli's principle, etc.) and prepare a simple experiment that illustrates that principle.  Bring your materials to class and perform the experiment for us.  Tell us all the what's, why's, and how's so we can all better understand that principle.  I will bring a card table for you to use.  Please let me know if you need other materials or help.  Just reply to this post.

*Make a poster illustrating one of the principles of flight and then teach us about it while you display it.

*If you have an experiment that is more complicated than what we can do during class time, do it at home and make a short video to share it with us.  Make sure and tell us all the in's and out's of it and why it's important.

*Prepare a report on one of these subjects (or one of your choice) to share with the class:  birds, a specific bird, bird migration, bird anatomy, feathers, flight, airplanes, hydrodynamics, Daniel Bernoulli, helicopters, gliders, air currents, Da Vinci's flying machines, or the Wright brothers.

and FOR SURE do this!


    *Da Vinci was fascinated with flight and he made some pretty neat and useful designs.  Search and experiment with different paper airplane designs.
    Here is one website,  that has 50 designs for different purposes, or you can find your own sources (there are plenty).
    We will be testing out our planes for speed, distance, and spin, so figure out a design that does what you want it to do (you can design more than one).
    {We'll also be impressed with fancy, artistic, and cool designs, so put on your creative cap and have some fun with this!}

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Inspirements


Knowledge:  Do the reading, and then use that info to help with the rest  :)

*read ch. 3 in Posin’s Giants
*read the Parable of the Talents
*read James 1:17

Understanding:  Do this:
*Dr. Posin asked the question, “Can we all be Leonardo’s?”  He wondered what makes a ‘Leonardo’ and wrote, “...perhaps the development of whatever talent there is counts for more” than just having talent.  Write a few paragraphs describing what this statement, along with the Parable of the Talents and James 1:17, means to you.  Include what talents or interests you have that you would like to further develop.  What can you do to develop them? How is commitment a part of the process?    And lastly, why does Jesus share the Parable of the Talents?

Do one (or both) of these:

*Da Vinci often looked to the natural world for understanding and inspiration.  Observe something in nature that really interests you and then draw, sculpt, paint, or represent it in a way that you can share it.  Tell us how your understanding  of the subject developed as you observed and portrayed it?


*Make a list of the ‘job titles’ that Leonardo acquired (listed in ch.3).  Choose one that interests you.  How would you gain that knowledge, or what classes would you need to take in college to obtain that title?  Where do you think Leonardo Da Vinci got his talents and knowledge? Remembering the scriptures we read, prepare a graphic summary of your answer.

Intelligence:  Do one of these:

        *What is one of your favorite Da Vinci inventions?  Make a model of it using cardboard, paper, milk cartons, legos, or any other materials.  Tell us what it does and how this invention could serve mankind.


        *Bring your own invention made from materials of your choice.  


        *Identify a need that people have and design or describe on paper a way to fill that need.