Tuesday, November 19, 2013

January Journeyman Inspirements


Read about Isaac Newton in Posin's Giants ch.  9


    * Think about our Creator and Natural Law as you do your inspirements -- do 2 of these.

Teach us about one of Newton's Laws.  You can explain it to us using the dry erase board, with a poster, a story, or a diorama (or another way you come up with).

Teach us about light and how it contains all colors.  You can be creative with this!  :)

Do or explain to us one of Newton's mathematical equations/calculations that he discovered.

What is "the calculus"?  Do a little research if you haven't already and give us a little example of it, or a simple explanation.

Do a graphic summary of Newton's tragic bad luck with his dog, Diamond.

Edmund Halley sought counsel from Newton regarding the curve a comet would have when going around the sun.  Teach us more about Halley's comet in a way of your choosing.


   * Do one of these.

-Do a demonstration that illustrates one of Newton's Laws.

-Read a math story/classic such as:
The Number Devil
Arithmetic for Billy Goats
a story from Mathematicians are People, Too
or another of your choice
      -and do a book report on it.

-Do an experiment using white light and colors.  Bring it and show us!

-Make a simple Newtonian reflector telescope (or more complex if you want :)  ), or you can make a really cool diagram of how one works.

-Research the moon and the tides, spring tides, neap tides, and how they're understood using the Law of Gravitation.  Draw a picture or make a poster depicting the forces involved and their effects.

-Do your own inspirement that helps you better understand natural law.

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