Tuesday, November 19, 2013

January Memorization

Memorize Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

1.  (The Law of Inertia) A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion remains in motion with a constant speed and in a straight line, unless acted upon by an outside force.

2.  The acceleration of an object is proportional to the force acting upon it and is directed in the direction of the force.  That is, F=ma.  

3.  To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

January Master Class Inspirements

"Plato is my friend, 
Aristotle is my friend,
but my greatest friend is truth."
-Sir Isaac Newton


Read one or more chapters from Principia Mathematica Volume I  (click on the line at the bottom of the book to get to the page you're looking for)

Read about Galileo Galilei in Dr. Posin's Giants ch.  7


   *Do both of these:

Teach us what you learned from the chapter in Principia using a method meaningful to you.  Also, what is one question you had that we can all discuss together? 

We learned about many of Galileo's discoveries in our reading.  Teach us about one of them.  Why did he need courage to continue in his work?

(Ideas for methods of teaching:  artwork, poetry, dramatizations, experiments, dioramas, games, demonstrations, reports, visual explanations like posters or diagrams or dry erase board diagrams, etc.)


Galileo was called the "Father of the Scientific Method."  Using the steps of the scientific method, conduct your own physics experiment.  If it is something you can replicate in class, bring it and demonstrate.  If not, document your steps and findings with words, pictures, or video so you can share your experience with us!  How is courage important in your life? 

January Journeyman Inspirements


Read about Isaac Newton in Posin's Giants ch.  9


    * Think about our Creator and Natural Law as you do your inspirements -- do 2 of these.

Teach us about one of Newton's Laws.  You can explain it to us using the dry erase board, with a poster, a story, or a diorama (or another way you come up with).

Teach us about light and how it contains all colors.  You can be creative with this!  :)

Do or explain to us one of Newton's mathematical equations/calculations that he discovered.

What is "the calculus"?  Do a little research if you haven't already and give us a little example of it, or a simple explanation.

Do a graphic summary of Newton's tragic bad luck with his dog, Diamond.

Edmund Halley sought counsel from Newton regarding the curve a comet would have when going around the sun.  Teach us more about Halley's comet in a way of your choosing.


   * Do one of these.

-Do a demonstration that illustrates one of Newton's Laws.

-Read a math story/classic such as:
The Number Devil
Arithmetic for Billy Goats
a story from Mathematicians are People, Too
or another of your choice
      -and do a book report on it.

-Do an experiment using white light and colors.  Bring it and show us!

-Make a simple Newtonian reflector telescope (or more complex if you want :)  ), or you can make a really cool diagram of how one works.

-Research the moon and the tides, spring tides, neap tides, and how they're understood using the Law of Gravitation.  Draw a picture or make a poster depicting the forces involved and their effects.

-Do your own inspirement that helps you better understand natural law.