Friday, August 15, 2014

Awesome Master level activity for September!

After prepping your minds to discern the truth from the fallacies, we will put you to the test!

Image result for image of God's not deadThose who participated in Master class and their parents are invited to a special showing of "God's Not Dead" at 6 pm on Thursday night, Sept. 18th at the Biesingers.   Come for a potluck dinner, the movie, and an awesome discussion to follow.  It will be either hawaiian haystacks, a baked potato bar, or taco salad, so please vote for your preference below if you are planning on coming :).

Image result for image of korihorPlease bring your scriptures!  We will be reading Alma 30 together before watching the movie and comparing and contrasting the anti-Christ Korihor with characters in the movie, as well as other delicious parallels.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sept 17: Eureka Journeyman Class at Biesinger's 9:30-noon

Eureka 2014-2015: the Beginnings of an Explosive Era!
Helping train your minds to think logically and discern truth
Image result for image of explosion 
Explosions Of Truth!
1. Read Moroni 10:3-5 and do a word study on the word “truth.”  Identify some absolute truths and consider the possibility of a “hierarchy of truths” (look up “hierarchy” if you don’t know what it means).  Come to class prepared to turn in your word study and discuss this idea with us!

2. Explosion Expert Demonstration by Zach Moore (contact him if you want to help with it)
Image result for image of euclid 

3.  Euclid: Study the Definitions, Postulates and Common Notions. (I recommend drawing them out.)   Look up words that are unfamiliar to you.  Bring a compass if you have one to draw circles with.

Image result for image of the math book4. Come prepared to share a Math Moment!—Look in the book “The Math Book” and find an article from the time period 1700-1900 that interests you.  Read it and share with us any questions that arose from it, connections you made, or ah-hahs!

5.   Read about the Fallacy 3: Tu Quoque: arguments that assume that a rival's recommendation should be discounted because the rival does not always follow it himself" pages 42-46 of "The Art of Argument" or this scanned document (please let me know if it doesn't work!).  Find an example from the news or an ad that is an example of this fallacy (not one in the book).

6. Brush up on your chess!  Let's strategize!

Explosions Of Discovery!

5. Read “The Longitude Prize” and do a project on it to teach us what you learned from it—

-research more of a point of interest from the book, write a paper, or prepare a presentation to share with us what you learned

-draw a picture of, research, or try to recreate one or more of the different inventions that people came up with

-make a graphic summary of one or more parts of the book (make sure to include the title, summary, and “take-home message”). Be prepared to turn it in.

-make a map of the different voyages people went on in the book

-teach someone else how they used the clocks to determine the longitude

-think about and write a one-page paper how humility either was there or wasn't and how having it could have made a difference. Use evidence or examples from the book where you can. (Please write "feedback" on the paper if you want corrections.)

-what did you think of the people the book included?  What did you like and what did you not like about them?

-read up on the current Longitude Prize: Follow the link to read more on these case studies, Click on each individual case study to see what is being developed to win The Longitude Prize.  This is very interesting.

Jonathan O’Halloran and Elaine Warburton, QuantuMDx, UK

QuantuMDx is a handheld laboratory that will deliver complex diagnostics in minutes, at minimal cost, in any setting across the globe.

Professor Aman Russom - KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

Aman Russom's work focuses on applying chemical engineering to diagnostic microfluidics.


Class held at Biesinger's house, Thursday Sept. 18, from 9:30-12.