Friday, August 15, 2014

Awesome Master level activity for September!

After prepping your minds to discern the truth from the fallacies, we will put you to the test!

Image result for image of God's not deadThose who participated in Master class and their parents are invited to a special showing of "God's Not Dead" at 6 pm on Thursday night, Sept. 18th at the Biesingers.   Come for a potluck dinner, the movie, and an awesome discussion to follow.  It will be either hawaiian haystacks, a baked potato bar, or taco salad, so please vote for your preference below if you are planning on coming :).

Image result for image of korihorPlease bring your scriptures!  We will be reading Alma 30 together before watching the movie and comparing and contrasting the anti-Christ Korihor with characters in the movie, as well as other delicious parallels.