Friday, August 8, 2014

Sept 17: Eureka Master Class at Biesinger's--12:30-3

Wielding the sword of Truth!

Finding Truth in patterns:
1. MATH: Read the Introduction of “Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe” and email Kel to find out which section you can teach to the rest of the group.

2.  HEBREW: Re-draw the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and their names:

3. Read this short e-book about Hebrew:  then watch the following:
4. (Look online for translators to do the following:)
Translate your first name into Hebrew...bring this to class with you.

Translate your favorite Bible scripture into Hebrew...bring this to class with you.
Come to class prepared with a question of something you didn’t understand or something you are curious about and want to ask others

Identifying truth today!

5. Do your own experiment for truth!  Read an opinion article from the newspaper.  Identify messages in it and then research in the scriptures evidence that supports or discredits the article.

Image result for image of compass 
6.Construct your own directional compass and bring it to class for a simulation! Think about what "compasses" you have in your life

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